Unique Geology
The best description of the geology around Kouka is Dr Ron Dutton's publication 'Troodos from Sea to Summit',
ISBN: 9963-571-65-4, available from Kyriakou Bookshop in Limassol.
For geologists, Cyprus is a fascinating study. The rocks of the Troodos mountains were formerly molten material from deep under
the floor of an ancient ocean which was probably in the area that is now the Red Sea. In his book Ron Dutton takes a cross-section
of the terrain from Akrotiri to Troodos and uses this to explain the various geological features that are now exposed.
Dutton explains that "What makes Troodos so special is that its history of movement, uplift and erosion has rearranged the normally
vertical sequence of oceanic crust and mantle into a horizontal dry land succession." His book explains this in clear and simple
terms, together with many diagrams and sketches. This publication is highly recommended.
Three of his sketches that show the area around Kouka, PeraPedhi and Trimiklini are reproduced in the Photo Gallery.